HOURS   Mon-Thurs: 7:30-4:30,
Fri: 7:30-3:00
Christopher W. Cain, D.D.S.
Mark H. Freeland, D.D.S.
Michael J. Murray, D.M.D.
Clay Sparrow, D.D.S., M.S.D.

Phillip H. Faucette, D.D.S.

Annie Jones, D.D.S., M.S.D.
John M. Workman D.D.S.
Austin Carr, D.D.S., M.S.D.


Surgical Microscopes

The introduction of the surgical microscope has revolutionized the field of Endodontic Microsurgery. We have invested in the very best quality surgical microscopes that provide unparalleled magnification and illumination for our root canal and surgical procedures. Our success depends on us being able to see the minutest of details – you cannot treat what you cannot see. 

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